Billy Graham & Friend

While flipping channels I stopped to watch Billy Graham preaching in Sacramento, California 1983 during his crusade. Not with any shock, though still chagrined, I heard Billy Graham state that Mother Teresa and Ghandi did not deserve to go to hell like other people who are wicked and evil.

First of all, who made Billy a judge, there is One Judge even God. Secondly, what other people is Billy talking about. Does Billy mean the other liars, thieves, adulterers and blasphemers in the world. The Bible says, there is none good but God. So then we can conclude that neither Ms. Teresa nor Ghandi deserve to go any where else but straight to hell like the rest of us. We all need a Savior, praise God! And we have a Savior in Christ Jesus, praise God!

This brings about a very serious question. Jesus says a little leaven leavens the whole loaf. So why does Pastor Bob Coy, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Oprah and many other pastors of mega churches support the Grahamster? Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale had a larger than life picture of Billy in a hall of the church for years. Are these pastors also supports and components of the Roman Catholic Church?

Graham went on to say in his 1983 crusade, how some of us have hell in our hearts, how hell is here and now in our hearts and in this world and will if we do not confess our sins, continue throughout eternity. Many Roman Catholics simply confess their sin every week, and then trust in a magic potion of grape juice and loaf bread to both cleanse them and heal them of their sin. Please read Hebrews chapter 10 and repent of this blasphemy.

Do you trust Billy G, Bobby C and all his other cronies who slide up under him at the Cove in NC?

~ by 1voicecrying on July 13, 2008.

4 Responses to “Billy Graham & Friend”

  1. Serge Lavie films Billy Graham

  2. Thanks Patrick. I think that some much damage in the church today is done because people are preaching the Gospel of Billy Graham rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Todd Bentley, Bob and Jim Coy, and Rick Warren all preach the same message. A message that lacks repentance and sacrifice. A message that has no problem sharing about the one way, but cannot share the truth that every other way is wrong.

  3. Serge,

    1 Corinthians 3:20-23

    Also applicable to Billy G and Friend

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